Fine Art Reproduction

Digital Captures

Our high end captures start at $25.00 for a 60 mb file.
Captures that exceed 60 mb are charged $0.35 per mb.
We also have the capability to photograph 3D objects such as sculptures and products. Please call us for more details on 3D photography pricing and please be sure to visit the 3D photography section of our website.

Film Scanning

35mm slides are $7.00 per slide.
4×5 transparencies start at $15.00 for a 40 mb file and $0.35 per mb above 40mb.
8×10 transparencies start at $25.00 for a 60 mb file and are $0.35 per mb above 60mb.

Giclée Printing ( Giclee )

We offer high end Giclee printing using state of the art equipment at affordable prices.
Color proofing services and Direct to Print services are available.
We pint on high end archival fine art paper and canvas using the finest inks insuring maximum print life and the best color reproduction available.
Please call for detailed quotes specifically tailored to your needs. Special pricing options are available.